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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two BFG 6600 GT OC's, but can only use 3 of the 4 DVI out's - help!
Brother Jack   2007-06-02 06:16
I just put together my nice fancy new system; Intel D975XBX2 motherboard, with two BFG GeForce 6600 GT OC video cards (I know, video chipset is a bit old, but I don't play games; just needed cards to drive 4 monitors). Both cards are recognized (as demonstrated by being able to get video when plugged into either card, and I see two cards in my nVida control panel).

However, I can only use 3 monitors (instead of the expected 4). In the nVida control panel, The second card is locked in "Only use one display (Single)" mode. So, do I have to get a third video card to drive the fourth monitor; or am I missing something in the setup here. ???

Thanks in advance,
Brother Jack   2007-06-02 11:04
Nevermind - apparently if there is no second monitor plugged into the second output on the second card, you get no fourth monitor. With all four monitors plugged in, I now see all four in the setup and all four are working.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two BFG 6600 GT OC's, but can only use 3 of the 4 DVI out's - help!

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