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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Whats needed to run 3 lcds from 1 graphics card
faultyboy   2007-06-03 07:56
is it possible to run 3 lcd monitors from 1 graphics card? i have seen cables that you plug into your graphics card and they split into 2 can these cables be used or does that just let you mirror your monitor?

all i want to be able to do is play games spanning the 3 monitors and work with windows maximized on each monitors?

also not keen on buying another card or one of those triplehead2go things.

Josh   2007-06-05 09:20
You need a video card to support it. No way around it. There are a couple splitters but that would only allow mirroring.

The video card must support it. Of course you don't have to buy a triple head card, you can also do it by simply having one dual head and a second single or dual head card.

Of course you should be warned, games tend to be difficult to get them to play across monitors well. Most games come with absoultely no support for this sort of thing. Also if you buy two video cards both of them need to be decent and able to actually handle the game.
SG07   2007-06-11 22:34
- 3 monitor gaming with 2 cards won't work smooth, because the system & graphics drivers cannot split the 3d-content fast enough over the PCIe bus.

=> Even SLI goes only through one DVI, 3 DVI are NOT connected.

=> To use all your 3D power (with AA+AF) from this DualLinl-DVI port you will need the TripleHead2Go D.E.:

=> That's much easier (only ONE render target) and faster than with 2 cards
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Whats needed to run 3 lcds from 1 graphics card

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