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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> question?
faultyboy   2007-06-03 10:03
i have gathered that for me to run 3 monitors i am going to need to buy either a second GC or a triplehead2go...

if i get a second graphics card would i be able to span my gamming across all 3 monitors?

if i get a triplehead2go instead i would be able to span 3 lcds but would i be able to change it to show three seprate screens when i am not gaming. so i can maximise windows in each screen?

which option is best another card or t2g i cannot afford both?

Josh   2007-06-05 09:26
>if i get a second graphics card would i be able to span my gamming across all 3 monitors?

Yes, you should, although you should be warned most games don't have any support for this, and in general you accomplish this by running the game in windowed mode and then stretching it. For many games this may actually ruin them because it might actually stretch everything from one screen into 3. Rather then provide more of a view. So check inidividual games in advance.

>if i get a triplehead2go instead i would be able to span 3 lcds but would i be able to change it to show three seprate screens when i am not gaming. so i can maximise windows in each screen?

By default windows will maximize on a per screen basis.

>which option is best another card or t2g i cannot afford both?

This question is a matter of opinion. You'd most likely have less of a headach trying to make a triple head card work. Although it should be cheaper to buy a second single head card.
SG07   2007-06-11 22:37
I recommend not to work with 2 cards, it's not smooth and fast enough than with TripleHead2Go

See also:
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> question?

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