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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video And Gaming - Video goes black once game opens
Theo   2007-06-19 07:27
Hi there,
I have successfuly hooked up two TFT's to my PC, and am currently trying to figure a way of how to watch a movie on one screen whilst playing games on another.
If this is completely impossible please say now.
Otherwise if there is a piece of software out there that enables me to do this i would love to know it. I am using Ultramon at the moment, but as soon as the game opens, the video on the other screen goes black (But i still get the sound).
Any ideas?
Erik   2007-06-29 20:50
I also want this trying like hell to find a way
Chris   2008-07-24 23:45
I second this.
ECarlson   2008-07-25 03:28
Have you tried playing the game in a window, then fitting that window to one monitor?

- Eric,
Crow   2008-07-25 21:02
I've got 2 video cards and there is no problem with gaming on a monitor hooked to the first while watching a video on a monitor hooked to the second (neither in windowed nor in fullscreen mode). But I used to have a similar problem. My guess is that there are some limitations to video overlay on one card. With media players like Zoom Player or Media Player Classic you can change the video output (standard overlay, VMR7, VMR9,...). Changing to VMR solved that problem for me back then, so maybe it might work for you as well.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video And Gaming - Video goes black once game opens

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