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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mirroring help please?
Kitty   2007-06-21 18:17
I need help with the mirroring. I need just that, a mirror. I want the same visuals on both my screns. I'm using a Dell Insperon 9200. The second monitor I'm hooked into is showing just the desktop, no cursor or anything.

I just want to be able to look at the exact same thing on both monitors. Thank you very much in advance.

Kitty Cat
Kitty   2007-06-21 18:24
Oh, I forgot. I tried using the Mirroing > Start, after I Enable Secondary, and it gives me a Failed to set up mirror target moniors error. I reseting my computer a few times and I'm wondering if anyone can recommend mirror settings. Thanks again.

Kitty Cat
Kitty   2007-06-21 18:32
Never mind, I fixed it. I'm sorry for wasting time and space :(

Kitty Cat
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mirroring help please?

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