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Shadow 2007-06-26 00:12
Is there a way to control which monitor certain apps open in? So far with my experiance, which ever monitor the app was closed in, it will open in that same monitor the next time. But for some reason, everytime I open Mozilla Firefox it always open in my second display, no matter where i drag it to or where i close it.
Christian Studer 2007-06-26 09:13
If you are using UltraMon, right-click the application's shortcut, select Properties, then configure the settings on the UltraMon - Window tab as desired.
Please note that only the first instance of Firefox will get positioned, all other instances will open in the default location.
Christian Studer -
Jim 2007-06-30 10:35
I'm using vista with the same problem, but i don't see a Ultramon tab. And for some odd reason the move to monitor function does not work with Pidgin which is the app i would life to control. I'm using vista 32bit and Ultramon 3 beta.
Christian Studer 2007-07-01 10:27
Are you using the window button or a hotkey to move the application to the other monitor?
UltraMon can't add its custom tabs to some application shortcuts, to check if there is a general problem please try if you also have no UltraMon tabs for shortcuts to Notepad or Internet Explorer.
Christian Studer -
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