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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Default display using laptop VGA output
Accius   2007-07-03 19:47
since i wanted to try Ultramon,i've tried to connect an external display to my laptop's VGA output.I have noticed a behaviour i would like to change:
when i reboot the laptop,only the external display is used (the laptop display remains inactive).I have tried to set the laptop's display as the default one (i'm using Windows XP Pro) but at the successive reboot only the external display continues to be used.
Can you please give me some advice?
Thanks in advance :)
sam   2007-07-06 10:14
make sure that when you restart you lappy that the external vga is tured off...also your comp should force your lap top screen as primary...i have tryed and failed to make the lappy screen secondary to my spair 22inch....kinda crappy deal...

Your comp will remember what the last set up was when your resart ex if you have it set to only VGA output, when you restart it will atemp the same output configuration
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Default display using laptop VGA output

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