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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Program goes into loop when starting
Phil   2007-07-04 07:09
I am using a KDS 17" monitor as primary and a Dell 1707 as secondary. I am running VGA on primary and on secondary DTI (digital) when I try to use it either my Dell is blank or it will start running the mirroring program again and again (looped). till the screen(s) are filled with the top command lines..
I need to have the Dell reversed and the primary normal.
ecarlson   2007-07-04 14:38
What is this mirroring program you are using? And what are you trying to use the mirroring program for? That problem sounds like the feedback that happens when you try to use remote control software (like RAdmin, and many others) to control the same computer you are currently on.

- Eric,
Phil   2007-07-07 21:18
I am using (or trying to) the mirroring option on UltraMon.
I need to mirror the 2nd monitor.
When the preview window opens up it is like putting a real mirror up as you will see multiple images going smaller and smaller to infinity, but the image in the window isn't reversed (or mirrored) it looks just like the 'main' monitor...
ecarlson   2007-07-08 01:31
Sounds like an Ultramon issue, so you might want to post in the Ultramon forum. Mirroring won't reverse the image, it will just duplicate the first monitor's image on the second monitor. The problem you are describing sounds like the source and destination monitor are the same monitor, and it keeps trying to mirror itself to itself, causing the feedback you describe.

If you are running both monitors off of a single video card, and you are running them at then same resolution, then use the video card's mirroring capabilities, since it will be higher performance than software mirroring. Another option, if the monitors are using the same settings, is to use a Y adapter (active or passive) to feed the same signal to both monitors.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Program goes into loop when starting

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