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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> D/M Probs
Bernard Greenbank   2001-09-26 06:45

Need help badly. I'm new to dual monitors - main card is a Creative GE Force GTS, secondary is a GrafixStar 16MB PCI. Both are nVidia-based. All installed fine and seemed to be working well. However when I try Msoft Fl Sim 2k - the primary reason for d/m - things go astray. Panels from aircaft transfer to the second monitor just fine but within a short time the frame rates on the primary monitor plummet - eventually, usually triggered by accessing the menu bar, the primary monitor screen goes blank. The prog. is still running - I can hear the sound - but no picture. Can anyone assist with ideas?

Sorry if this is a daft question but I am so o o o
new to all this

Nite   2001-09-26 17:30
hm. and this might be a dummy answer, but...
since I'm not exactly familiar with ms's FlightSim I dunno, but if there's anything on graphics acceleration, you better turn it to software/off.

what chipset the other card uses? TNT/TNT2? there's sometimes driver-conflicts with old vs. new nVIDIA chipsets. It shouldn't occur if the cards can use same drivers (eg. Detonators) but at least some people have had probs with a RIVA-family card with a GeForce.

Third, make sure you're not running much other software, it can be a bit tasking job for the CPU to run large and/or many windows. my 1GHz P3 doesn't really like my 2048x600 DeusEx window... :)

hope you get it to work.

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Bernard Greenbank   2001-09-26 23:26
Thanks for that. I believe the prob is most likely to be conflict between the drivers.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> D/M Probs

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