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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> problem
Pat   2007-07-17 16:27
Hey Guys,

Listen... I have three monitors, 2 are the same, running off the VGA and DVI outputs on AGP and an "indipendant" monitor on my pci card... I have all three working without a problem untill I reboot.

Its not a huge deal but become a nuissance...

I reboot, the two VGA monitors start up, but seconds later switch to the PCI monitor.. Then I have to go into windows, disable the pci card, witch then restarts the computer with the AGP monitors as primary.. I then have to go into device administrator and reset the PCI video card. THIS having to restart EVERYTIME is annoying...



Brendon   2007-07-18 15:48
Try setting the primary display divice to AGP or PCI-e depending on AGP or PCI Express. That is what it sounds like to me.

Do this in BIOS, most bios i have seen has this option.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> problem

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