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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two monitors, differnet resolutions, never used simultaneously problems
Jon R   2007-07-28 00:45
I have a 1024 x 768 (VGA) monitor and a 1280 x 1024 (DVI) monitor. They are located in different areas and only one needs to be on at a time. Both monitors will, when not in use be effectively unplugged from the mains. I have an MSI Nvidia 8600 GTS PCIe card. I am trying to set windows Vista Home Premium up to start in the correct resolution depending which screen is on but can't! What happens is that if I start the smaller screen then Vista starts up with the wrong resolution, if I then correct this and reboot turning on my big screen and unplugging my small screen the big screen receives no signal. Does anyone know if I am trying to do the impossible or is there a way around this?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two monitors, differnet resolutions, never used simultaneously problems

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