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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 computers sharing 2 LCDs
dave   2007-08-01 11:06
I have this current setup on my workstation:
1 PC for work (with a ATI Radeon 9550 card w/ VGA and DVI out)
1 PC for personal (with nVidia 8600GT card w/ dual DVI out)
1 Dell 17-inch (4:3 size) LCD monitor

I am planning on getting another LCD monitor so I can have a dual monitor setup for both computers. Any suggestions on which size LCD monitor I should get? I'm thinking about a 20" (Dell 2007wfp) or a 22" (Samsung 226cw). Which monitor would complement well with the 17 inch (standard 4:3) Dell LCD? Or should I get the same size LCD?


Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 computers sharing 2 LCDs

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