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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 8 monitors???
Dan Giovannetti   2007-08-06 23:46
I am in the process of having a puter built for my trading activities. I want/need 8 distinct monitors so that I can track different currencies at the same time. I found a place to make me a computer, but it cost a small fortune (11K). I found an alternative that can build an awesome machine for less than half. However, they do not specialize in multi-monitor setups, so I pose the question...

If I have (2) NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX PCI Express cards that say they are each capable of 2 independent monitors and use "Y" cables splitting each card into 4 monitors and use this "UltraMon" software... Is this all I need to make my computer work the way I desire???
David DeRolph   2007-08-07 07:23
A splitter will just mirror the same thing on two monitors. Do you want to be able to have a unique display on all of the eight monitors? If so, you need to add PCI video cards. You could get two of:
Dan Giovannetti   2007-08-07 21:39
Man, I am cornfused. Some say it will work and others say it won't.

How about if I did this instead...

Went with 2- ATI FireMV™ 2400 PCI Express cards that will each support 4 independent screens. then all I need is a M-board that will support 2-PCIe X1 slots which the Gigabyte GA-8N-SLI Quad Royal has.

Will this work??? If so, what minimum CPU power do you recommend? duo Xeon? quad Xeon??? Please advise. Thanks,
Byron   2007-08-11 03:55
this is my set up. photos coming soon....start with this motherboard...

Asustek P5W64WS-Pro L775 Motherboard it has 4 pcie slots, fit 4 decent graphic cards, I have 4 GeForce 7399LE twin heads, decide on your processor, I have core 2 6400 2.13ghz, add some ram I have 2 gb and a decent hard disc and yuor done...cost me about $1500. it used in the markets and works sweet with 8 lg1952t lcds.

gcdryden   2007-08-11 15:58
A simple splitter will not work, simply because all the splitter will do would split the signal and send a duplicate signal to each monitor. There are a few things you can do.

One thing is to add to your current set up is some PCI cards assuming you have room to add a pci card.

Your best bet is to look at ATI. ATI make a 4 port video card called FireMV 2400

On the pricy side, and this is geared for modeling, but will easily accommodate what your looking for, is the Nvidia Quadro Model II, which will support 8 channels, but @ 20K, probably a tad to high.
gcdryden   2007-08-11 16:03
as to the pevious message, a splitter will work assuming that the computer can see the resolution that you would recive.

ie. in general a splitter (in name) would just split the signal basical let say you have 3 monitors and all three monitors were set at 1280 X 1024, the splitter would mirror that original to the other monitors. The device used would need to allow the computer to see each monitor as its own space. as above the computer of cource would need to see 3840 X 1024 resolution. if the splitter you are being offered does that, then your in good shape.
Byron   2007-08-11 18:26
Down side of any splitter set up is if the graphic card goes down, you loose all that is connected to it. If it is on;y financial trading you want my cards work fine and are now only about $60 US a piece. The motherboard now more globally available to.

gcdryden   2007-08-14 16:52
I found the following information on the resources page

Nvidia Quadro NVS PCIe x1 card
I don't know if this is news, but I just noticed that the Nvidia Quadro NVS 440, the 4-monitor NVS card, is available in a PCI Express x1 version. This allows you to install the card in any PCIe slot. See the PNY site for more information. The NVS 440 is also available in a regular x16 version.

Matrox EpicA - multiple monitors for terminals
Matrox has announced dual and quad video cards for use with terminals. In addition to the hardware, special software for installation on the terminal server will be included.
gcdryden   2007-08-14 16:56
actually go to the matrox website, they will have what you need
Kelli   2007-09-26 15:01
Can't help you from here.......
MultiHeader   2007-10-15 06:47
Colorgraphic has an 8-head card [with ATI chipsets]:

There is also a British company, Datapath, which can build 8+ head systems [with S3/Savage chipsets], but they don't advertise prices [I believe that you have to purchase through "dealers", and it looks like their systems can be very, very expensive]:
Greg Walters   2007-10-17 07:52
The GT8 has been discontinued. Naples Technology builds QuadStations for up to 16 monitors.


Greg Walters
Operations Manager
Duncan   2007-12-29 09:48
Hi Greg,

You could spend an extra 30 seconds selling your companies product rather than just plugging your URL, then plugging it again in your signature. Address the customers wants and needs in summary, or ask them questions. Other people who can't be bothered to post will then see the conversation that occurs and that'll create alot more business for you than just a quick plug that ends up feeling like spam. I'm new here btw, so if I'm being rude to a site sponsor apologies, trying to help ;).
dewizard   2008-05-01 09:18
for what ur wanting to do. xray yourself ur going to need all the cpu power u can gett
John   2008-05-05 06:28
Get a board that has wto pci-e slots and buy two of these. make sure your PSU can handle the power out put
John   2008-05-05 06:29
Or this...whatever is in your budget
KimboTrader   2008-05-06 06:33
I found my QuadStation 8 on the internet. I just posted a picture in the gallery. I only have 6 monitors hooked up now, but the system can go up to 8. The system runs great. All intel components (processor and motherboard) 3G ram, not sure what else... But it works great... I would recommend these computers and with the Mount (I had my own monitors) was well under 5K

Kim A
Rich V   2008-05-14 05:01
Basically, this tool allows you to leverage additional monitors attached to another machine. Currently I use this to leverage the monitor on my other workstation in my office. So, monitor A is attached to my primary workstation and B and C are attached to my secondary workstation. You use hotkeys to switch between the primary workstation's video and the secondary workstation's video. Works awesome.

Another though would be Multiplicity from Stardock... You could run two separate machines. Each running four and Multiplicity allows you to use one mouse and keyboard for both systems (software).
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 8 monitors???

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