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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Enable/Disable ignored monitor
Anton Bakker   2007-08-09 20:04
I would like to enable/disable a by UltraMon ignored monitor. It appears that when a monitor is set to ignore, the enable/disable API doesn't work, totally ignores the command, as it maybe is expected to.

However, I do need to be able to do just this.

I can obtain a IUltraMonMonitor pointer to the ignored monitor just fine. shouldn't I be able to use it as I please?

Is there any way?

Christian Studer   2007-08-10 03:26
Please post a code sample if possible.

You shouldn't be able to access ignored monitors, they shouldn't get added to the monitor collection.

Christian Studer -
Anton Bakker   2007-08-11 22:22
Now I know that the monitor shouldn't even be in that collection, it came to my mind that I could have actualy obtained a pointer to the 4th monitor then instead of the 3rd. As I guess you just leave the ignored one out, shifting the 4th to the 3rd place?

so basically what you are saying, that I cannot change attributes of an ignored monitor?

Christian Studer   2007-08-12 08:23
That's right, if monitor 3 is ignored, UltraMon would then renumber the monitors, and monitor 4 would become the new monitor 3.

To see all monitors, call System.SetIgnoredMonitors with ignoredMonitors set to zero, and save set to false.

Christian Studer -
Anton Bakker   2007-08-13 01:09
When I would call System.SetIgnoredMonitors, would this also cancel the fact that it is an ignored monitor for the rest of the system? (All other running applications) or will they continue to "ignore" the monitor, and run only on the "normal" monitors?

Christian Studer   2007-08-13 08:56
Only if you save the setting, and then only when the applications get restarted or recreate their UltraMon objects.

Christian Studer -
Anton Bakker   2007-08-14 00:53
Thanks, problem solved.

this helped a lot.
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Enable/Disable ignored monitor

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