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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Slow video with 6 monitor config... ANY IDEAS???
T3 Brian   2007-08-11 17:30
I just setup my production workstation with 6 20" CRT's, driven by 1 X1600 PCIe & 2- X1500 PCI video cards. The video response time is very slow on the 4 monitors on the X1500's... slow screen draws even in browser .... any ideas??

Thank you

I have been a long time registered user of MultiMon & I love it!
Slackmaster k   2007-09-22 11:03
Do you have generic drivers installed?
Do you have the newest drivers installed?
Are you using Vista?

Check your task manager for resource hogs. How much RAM do you have?
illusivereality   2007-09-26 13:31
Well I am having same type issue with 3 x1300 in 3 PCIe x16 slots 2 GIG's and a e6400. This problem only exist in Vista this setup runs GREAT on XP. Goodluck

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Slow video with 6 monitor config... ANY IDEAS???

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