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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Any other great screen savers, with SICK graphics?
EQDruid   2007-08-14 02:24
Well this is my system, been a work in progress but im still tring to find otehr app's and programs that are just eye pleasing. I have found that Screen paper with Slick Open GL is great. also Plasma Pong looks wicked. Any other programs you guess sudjest?

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EQDruid   2007-08-17 09:19
Just found electronic sheep, and have to say, once you get it running smoothly, it's the best screen saver ( IMHO ) I have found yet. Plasma Pong looks sweet as well, talked to the creator of it, and he's going to be making a multi monitor screen saver out of that as well.

ecarlson   2007-08-17 11:53

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Any other great screen savers, with SICK graphics?

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