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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Videocard Advice
vanisher   2001-09-30 15:25
Anybody out there using a Radeon All-In-Wonder PCI as the second card in a dual monitor set-up? If so, any problems? Does the AIW retain all it's functions? Does it function well in Windows XP?

In other words, is this a good idea? Primary videocard is a GeForce2 AGP.
tim   2001-09-30 15:31
I couldn't get the AIW PCI to play nice with my eVGA GForce2MX AGP. W2K won't boot with the AIW as the primary display but runs stable with it as a secondary; however, all video functions go away. ATI blames Microsoft's W2K directx kernel bug.
vanisher   2001-09-30 15:31
P.S.: Or should I go with a GeForce2 MX PCI and grab the ATi USB Wonder instead?

Reason I want the Radeon AIW is because the video capture capability is better than the standalone USB Wonder.

However, I am worried about the Radeon AIW's compatibility as the second videocard.

Anyhow, if anyone has experience with the Radeon AIW as the second videocard and would like to share, many thanks in advance.
vanisher   2001-09-30 15:33
Tim, thanks for the response. ;) I guess I made my second post as you were posting yours.

So it sounds like a "don't do it?"
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Videocard Advice

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