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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> System Tray Icons and Windows clock on second Taskbar
Hans-Dampf   2007-08-14 08:36
I would like to have the System Tray Icons and especially the Windows clock, which typically appear in the right corner of the primary taskbar, in my second taskbar, too.
I need this to watch the time while I run a fullscreen application on my primary screen.
Does somebody know a solution?

Thanks in advance
Christian Studer   2007-08-14 08:51
Currently that's not supported. Support for the clock is planned, I'm also going to look into support for the whole system tray for UltraMon 3, but don't know yet if it can/will be implemented.

Christian Studer -
Marty   2008-08-28 06:22
I completely agree with this feature. I just bought UltraMon and think the desktop would feel truly "centered" if the tray icons and clock could be pushed to another monitor at-will. Otherwise, additional monitors still feel like additional monitors.

Although, once the tray has this capability, there would need to be a way to remove them from the primary monitor...maybe a registry entry? The clock is easily removed within taskbar props...

Thought, if the tray could move to another monitor, would the (bubble) notifications move as well?

Thanks for the great work!
Alex Hamp   2008-12-04 00:13
I'm just testing this and it's almost perfect apart from missing this feature.
Shane   2008-12-07 14:08
I can't wait for Ultramon to have this feature, its by far the only thing it lacks.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> System Tray Icons and Windows clock on second Taskbar

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