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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> nvidia geforce2 mx400/win xp pro
rachel   2007-08-19 11:41
i have a monitor in the dvi port and the vga port and they both work individually when only one or the other is plugged in but i can't run them both at the same time?

help. thanks.
David DeRolph   2007-08-23 05:02
I'm thinking your card simply isn't capable of running two monitors. So, you'll need to get a newer card. But, I could be wrong.
John L. Galt   2007-08-25 15:15

you card *does* support multiple monitors.

You'll need to enable the multiple monitor support in your display properties - what operating system are you using?

I personally used a GeForce4 MX440 with 2 monitors in XP with very little fuss, other than having a minimal amount of graphics memory to use for gaming - but for daily use, and with business applications, it should be able to hold its own.

I am I
John L. Galt   2007-08-25 15:17
Oops, I forgot to mention - to enable multiple monitor support, plug in both monitors, power on the system (or reboot, just in case the system doesn't see it right away) and when the OS comes up go to the display properties (for Windows, go to Control Panel to find Display Properties) and look for an option along the lines of "Extend my desktop on this monitor" (This is pretty close to the wording in XP, not sure of other OSs) and enable (check) it.

Then you'll need to set up the display properties of the other monitor as well.

I am I
David DeRolph   2007-08-26 06:33
Darn, I was wrong. I overlooked the obvious.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> nvidia geforce2 mx400/win xp pro

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