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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Building new computer with 3 monitor setup
Sshado   2007-08-25 02:38
I am planning on building a new high end computer mainly for programming, but I also like to play graphic intensive games. I would like to have a 3 monitor setup with the ability to view the web on one, visual studio on one, and either see the output on the other, or just have a document open in the other.

How would you set this up, can you do it with the 8800 GTS and what other card?
Christian Studer   2007-08-25 08:36
I would probably get a system with two x16 PCI Express slots, you could then install two 8800 GTS cards for up to 4 monitors.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Building new computer with 3 monitor setup

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