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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitor, 2 screensavers running Vista
Whitfords   2007-09-01 09:32
I want to use my 2 monitor as a photo frame when not in use.

1. Is it possible to run 2 different monitor running 2 different photo slideshow as screen saver at the full resolutins of 1440x900?

2. Now, is it possible to do the above but with one screen in horizontal & the other screen in vertical?

Whitfords   2007-09-02 00:06
I tried.., It doesn't work. Any likelyhood that dual screen saver will work on vista anytime in the next 2 months?
Christian Studer   2007-09-02 08:43
Did you try this with UltraMon?

Christian Studer -
Whitfords   2007-09-02 09:35
Yes I did try it with ultramon - latest Beta.

Main computer is a dell inspiron 8600 - running vista ultimate 1440 x 900. 2nd monitor is my plasma 1024 x 768. When I "launch" screen saver, then my plasma is blank & the photo only appears on my notebook.

Does screen saver suppose to work on both screen?

Christian Studer   2007-09-03 07:51
The Photos screen saver on Vista isn't compatible with UltraMon. I'm going to look into this for one of the next releases, but I'm not sure if it's something that can be fixed in UltraMon.

One thing you could try is a slideshow screen saver with multi-monitor support, for example gPhotoShow.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitor, 2 screensavers running Vista

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