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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Wallpaper on 3 monitors
Tjeerd   2007-09-02 06:00
I switched from XP to Vista. All works well, except that my wallpaper is weird now...

I have 3 1600x1200 monitors, the center and left one is connected to the primary videocard thru 2x DVI, and left one is connected to a secondary card using an RGB cable. I had a similair setup on XP. When I try to stretch a wallpaper on all 3 monitors, it starts at the center one, moves on the the right one, and the final bit is displayed on the left one... Still with me?

How do I change this so the background starts on the left monitor?
Christian Studer   2007-09-02 08:44
If you are using UltraMon for the wallpaper, you'll need to install 3.0 Beta 1, this is a Vista-specific issue with earlier releases.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Wallpaper on 3 monitors

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