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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 19" 1280x1024 vs 20" 1600x1200
Jennifer83   2007-09-07 13:02
I am used to having dual 19" 1280x1024 monitors, but now I am moving up to 4 monitors and having to decide between paying $160 or so each for 2 new 19 inchers or moving up in resolution to 1600x1200 and 20" for $300.

I have never worked with a 1600x1200 monitor before and would be interested in how much of a difference people notice. I am just going to be doing word and excel, but since I will be staring at them 10+ hours a day I want whatever is best for my eyes!
MasK   2007-09-09 14:02
Well, 10" 1280 will give you about 1.2 million pixels on screen. An extra inch on a 1600 will give you 1.9 million pixes. Thats a 0.7 million more just for that extra inch!

20" 1600 has smaller dot pitch.. so images are finer. That also means that your text will be smaller. It's great if you need more working space on screen.. like 2D/3D designers, video editing, etc.
If you're just gonna do office docs, 1280 will suffice.

It's not the extra inch youre paying for. It's the 0.7million extra pixels youre paying for. That explains the added cost :)

ecarlson   2007-09-10 13:34
If you're going to be adding the monitors to what you already have, it is nice to have matching pixel size, otherwise, when you move something from the 19" to the 20" it will look a lot smaller, and especially if you plan to display a window across the 19" and 20" monitor at the same time. It will look very odd, since the part on the 20" will be shrunk.

Now, if you were going to display images on the 20" monitors, and text on the 19" monitors, that would probably be good, because the images would look finer due to the smaller pixels on the 20", and the text would be a decent size because of the larger pixels on the 19".

If you were going to replace all monitors with the 20" monitors, then you could increase zoom in Excel/Word or whatever so it would still be a readable size, though the large pixels of the 19" screen are good for reading text where it can't be resized well, like with web browsing, where increasing the font size can mess up the page layout, and pictures will still be tiny.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 19" 1280x1024 vs 20" 1600x1200

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