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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse Cursor Flips
Devon   2007-09-08 21:04

I am having an issue where my mouse cursor works just fine on my first monitor, but on the second monitor when i move into a textbox it becomes a pointer. And when i move outside of it, it becomes the I cursor. When I am working with programs it sometimes is the hourglass for no reason, or the change size cursor, how do i fix this?
Devon   2007-09-10 21:58
Bump, please help I am still having problems with the issue.

Thanks in advance!
Devon   2007-09-16 17:20
Does anyone else have this issue or am I alone?
David   2010-03-18 19:46
I'm having similar problems - I'm running XP SP3 on a Dell D630 docked with the lid closed connected to 2 Dell 1908FPs. the docking station has an analog & DVI connectors - the DVI connection shows an hourglass instead of a cursor. When the computer should be displaying a hourglass, it shows a cursor & a hourglass - like when you insert a dvd/cd & autorun starts. Any help with this issue would be appreciated - I work at several workstations/laptops/servers & the previously described behavior is causing a decrease in my productivity. Thanks for your time in this matter

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse Cursor Flips

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