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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse-click focusing
Hans L   2007-09-17 06:10
In Tweak IU, you can check Xmouse to have focus on the screen on which the mouse hovers. I don't want that, since it make it very difficult not to make mistakes (like deleting stuff in one screen -- where the mouse cursor is -- when you
think you are deleting them on the screen where something is highlighted).

But the opposite is terrible to. You have to click twice on a screen to make something happen, first to give that screen focus, and then to make something happen.

I think that in the past, I could click on a screen that did not have focus, and things happened immediately. But perhaps that was when I had only one monitor. Then, I guess, when you switched screens, the new screen automatically had focus.

Is there some golden compromise, where the screen you click on gets focus and executes the click in one fell swoop? It make a hell of a lot of sense in my view.

Greatful for input.

Hans L
Christian Studer   2007-09-17 09:51
I'm not aware of a way to do this, but it's something I've been thinking about for UltraMon.

I'll look into this for UltraMon 3, but don't know yet if it can/will be implemented.

Christian Studer -
Hans L   2007-09-17 14:04
Christina, I am glad to hear that you have been thinking about it. It would be a really worthwhile effort (for the users :-). Seriously, it is something that makes so much sense that you wonder why it has not been implemented in Windows ... now, wait ... I should have said "that one understands that it has not been implemented in Windows".


Hans L

Hans L
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse-click focusing

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