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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spacing between dual monitors...
SaMe   2007-09-24 02:05

I have setup two monitors closely together, but due to the 'frame' around my monitor, I obviously cannot place the screens exactly together.

This results in a spacing between the two screens, but windows assumes they are placed right next to each other, thus giving rather a 'non-realistic' movement when crossing from one monitor to the other.

My question; is it possible somehow to incorporate this spacing in Ultramon, so part of a window will be 'occluded' when I drag it to the other monitor? That way animated screensaver will also give a realistic impression when the animation moves from one screen to another.

I already tried changing the x-coordinate of the screen, but if I press 'apply' the coordinate automatically changes back to it's old value.

Thanks ;-)
Christian Studer   2007-09-24 09:15
I don't see a way to do this via UltraMon, I'm also not sure if this is possible at all.

Christian Studer -
ecarlson   2007-09-28 14:03
I seem to remember reading about something like that being done a number of years ago, including screenshots, but I don't remember the specifics of how it was done or what hardware and software it was done with, other than it being in Windows (I don't even remember what version of Windows it was).

- Eric,
Ase   2009-09-29 04:15

I tested the software today and did miss this same feature.
I looked around but could not find it in the menus.
Did I miss it or is this feature still missing?
Any oter softwares that has this feature that you can recommend?

Christian Studer   2009-09-29 08:47
UltraMon doesn't support this. I think the Nvidia display driver may have support for this, I'm not sure though.

Christian Studer -
Ase   2009-09-30 04:00
Thanks for your fast reply Christian,

This should be something for you to add in your software.

I also think I have seen this feature somewhere before, but cannot remember where.

I have a nVidia card but have looked around in the advanced settings but cannot find it.

Anyone with more info?

Baer   2010-02-25 13:43
You are looking for a bezel offset feature. It is something that Matrox offers with it's triple head 2 Go and it is also part os some new graphics drivers. It makes your three screens look like you are looking through three windows at the action where the pixels behind the bezels are removes instead of just starting up again after the bezel where they do not line up correctly.
I will bet that upcomming drivers from AMD and NVIDIA for their new higher end cards will include this feature.
ecarlson   2010-02-26 15:45
Yes, apparently the ATI Eyefinity card drivers have the bezel compensation feature. How well it works might be another issue.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Spacing between dual monitors...

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