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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Five-monitor mashup and 'maximizing' to a specific set of coordinates
Geminii   2007-09-28 05:36
Well, it looks like my current triple-monitor system has outgrown the capacity of my video cards to handle its top resolutions. It's probably time to get a new box, too, so I may as well do the whole thing from scratch, keeping only the monitors.

The thing is, I'll be running three rotated widescreen flatpanels (effectively 3x 1050x1680) as a central desktop, flanked by two 1600x1200 CRTs. This does not a rectangular area make.

Really, I only need to be able to occasionally maximize to the central three, while retaining the normal one-screen maximize capability. A five-screen maximize option is kind of useless for me anyway as they're set up to wrap around the desk and I'd have to look back and forth to take in the entire window. Combining the flatpanels as a single screen won't work (I want the normal one-panel maximize option), and if I run the desktop across all five monitors, most super-maximizing software will choke on the nonrectangular screen area.

Is there any desktop software which will allow its "desktop multiscreen maximize" function to be set to a specific subset of the complete desktop? Even being able to pin some kind of "restore" option to a neverchanging set of coordinates would be nice.

Or will I be stuck with never being able to maximize to the three flatpanels while the CRTs are in operation?

I've checked Hydravision, and UltraMon - no luck there, unless I'm missing something. Has anyone had success getting this effect with Nuonsoft's ShellEnhancer, StarfishBay's HandyThing, ActualTools' Actual Window Manager (which I think may have what I'm after), Eusing's Auto Window Manager etc?

Mmm, reminds me - I wonder if there's a DVI-triplehead card out there which will run three widescreen panels without choking...
Christian Studer   2007-09-28 08:36
UltraMon supports this via hotkey and a custom script, the Maximize2Mon script should also work fine with 3 monitors.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Five-monitor mashup and 'maximizing' to a specific set of coordinates

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