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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> nvidia twinview or 2 graphiccards?
qtab   2001-10-06 00:01
is this twinview-thing any good? does it work worse/better than a 2 graphic-card setup? can i use my ircwindow on the 2nd display while playing q3 on the first? anyone has a good review about the twinview-feature?

DK   2001-10-08 10:17
I have a twinview, if you want an extra PCI slot its nice. However, I don't think you can playgames on one monitor while using the internet on the other. At least I haven't figured out how to do it.
Ray Price   2001-10-09 01:07
Depends what you want to do. I want to run three accelerated gaming windows in CFS2, so I opted for 3 video cards for speed to help spread the processing. Although two of them posess twinview capabilities, I do not use this.

What are you aiming to do with your multimon setup?
qtab   2001-10-09 02:07
i want to use it as a 2d-cad workstation, and for some games of quake sometimes.

so 1st priority would be ui/desktop-funktionality (icon-positions on 2nd monitor, windows swapping/maximizing-stuff) and 2nd prority is geforce-class 3d acceleration for quake, without turning off 2nd monitor und being able to access irc/browser-window on the 2nd monitor beeing in quake on the 1st monitor. (this works on a friends geforce/ati rage IIc setup).

another question: in AutoCAD, you can drag the toolbars around and place them somewhere on your desktop, exactly the way you can do this in Office 2000 and many other apps. i want to place all toolbars on my 2nd monitor, and i can do this, but as soon as i quit autocad and restart it, the toolbars, wich were on the 2nd display, are now all on the 1st monitor:/ it works good in office2k, but autocad moves them back on the 1st display after restarting:/ anyone has a workaround or smthng?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> nvidia twinview or 2 graphiccards?

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