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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> cheap 9 or 16 monitor video wall
Lunatic   2007-10-02 23:11
I'm planning to build a video wall containing of 9 or 16 TFT computer screens. This system will only be used for animations, so an over all resolution of, say 1024x768 would be enough.

I've seen solutions with multiple quadro graphics cards but that's already too expensive for me at the moment. (assuming that one card costs 500$+)

Is there something like a splitter/external box that spreads a normal graphics cards output signal over 12 screens, so they appear as one large screen?

That would be perfect because I could use a normal (even semi-new) pc without expensive graphics cards and software.

Many thanks for hints..

Greg Walters   2007-10-17 08:00
This would all depend on your animation is and what is is created with.

Yes, it can be done.

See Naples Technology, Inc.

Greg Walters
Operations Manager
AndyWit   2007-10-31 04:46
I just bought a Matrox G450 MMS Quad PCI off of ebay for $170. A couple of those would work.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> cheap 9 or 16 monitor video wall

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