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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor card
Peter   2007-10-05 03:51
Hi, Im trying to find a triple monitor card that will run two 17" lcd vga monitors at a resolution of 1280x1024 and a primary (in the middle) monitor at a greater resolution. This new primary monitor will likely be a 24 wide or great screen, being new screen i'm sure it could be vga or dvi. Any help would be great!

Gene   2007-10-06 07:38
Well, regardless of how you do your setup... you can run whatever resolutions you want on any monitor you want as long as the monitor can handle it. There are some cards out there that do support more than 2 monitors, but you need to decide on what you plan on doing with the setup. If you looking at general purpose use, the money you spend on the these cards could be a little more than you would want to spend.

First decide if you need AGP, PCI or PCI express.
From what I have seen most these cards run $300.00 and up and most of these cards are geared for cad/modeling.

Answer these for me plz:

What is you current setup (hardware? ie: cpu, motherboard)

What do you plan on doing with this (ie: gaming, graphic design, cad/modeling, web browsing, stock market???)

With this info i can help
Gene   2007-10-06 07:39
just to add, matrox makes something called the Triplehead2go, this allows 3 monitors to be hooked to one card but all monitors run the same resolution
Gene   2007-10-06 07:40
oh yeah and what current video card do you currently use?
Gene   2007-10-06 07:41
and time to update you forums so i can edit my comments...lmao
ecarlson   2007-10-07 03:31

Why can't you use 2 video cards. It would certainly be less expensive.

- Eric,
John   2007-10-07 15:28
I have to 2 cards split between 3 monitors. Primary 20" monitor set at 1600x1200 is on the 1st card. The other 2-19" monitors at 1280x1024 is on the 2nd card. Simple, anyone can do it..
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitor card

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