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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full Screen Question
Ruben Marques   2007-10-07 11:36
Well i've been searching the forums for some answer and till now i really didn't liked what i've read, but lets see if anyone can answer this at 100% so i don't lose more time searching.

Thing is, i bough a GeForce 8600GT today and for the first time i have a duel monitor situation.

I've been configuring things easly in Windows Vista without any problem.

But now i'm stucked... What i want is to be able to run applications in FullScreen (more specific, games of course) In my primary display, and being able to switch the mouse over to the secondary display to work on it.

Running WarHammer Online in 1 monitor, cheking webmails and googling on second monitor.

And ofc without the need of alt tabbing.

I think that answering this in a "good way" will take about 1000 questions that would eventually appear in the future :)

Thanks in advance
Crow   2007-10-08 00:10
This topic has come up many times in this forum.
If you do anything on the second screen the fullscreen game will minimize itself. The only workaround so far has been, to run the game in windowed mode and move the window edges out of the monitor with a script(e.g. -3/-22 for old Win2k appearance). This will make the game look like fullscreen but prevent it from minimizing.
I hope this helps...

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full Screen Question

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