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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Program window not visible when 2nd Monitor not present
JimW   2007-10-18 04:52

I was using two monitors on my XP SP2 system but one of them failed so I had to go to a one monitor system. A few of my programs cannot be seen when they are started up now; I assume they were last executed on the second (now missing) monitor. I have removed the second monitor and display adapter from the system settings but this did not fix the problem. No other monitor is available for now.

Is there a system setting that needs to be set or is this likely a per program setting?

If per program, is there a best practice way of storing this?

Thanks for any help.

Christian Studer   2007-10-18 08:35
This is handled by the application, moving it to the primary monitor manually and closing it there should fix the problem.

You can do this by right-clicking the application's taskbar button, then select Move from the menu and use the arrow keys to move the application to the primary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Program window not visible when 2nd Monitor not present

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