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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVI-VGA?
Aaron   2007-10-19 19:07
hey, so i have a Geforce 7 7300 GS 256MB DDR2 PCI express. i have only 1 monitor but am getting a second, i currently have my monitor connected to my graphics card but the motherboard has a VGA cable input as well, can i have dual monitors by simply connecting my new monitor to my motherboard VGA input? or do i have to buy something? my graphics card also has a DVI input input, so i guess that can be used as a second VGA input if i get a DVI-VGA adapter?

Christian Studer   2007-10-20 08:31
The onboard card would probably work, but on some systems it gets disabled when a video card is installed.

Connecting a second analog monitor via a DVI-to-VGA adapter to the GeForce card should work fine.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVI-VGA?

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