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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> What determines what monitor an application opens on?
richmark   2007-10-27 14:11

At the moment when I click on my browser it opens on my second monitor (this is not always the case). When I closed it after my last use I closed it when it was on my primary monitor figuring it would open there, but it does not. What determines which monitor an application will open to?

Thank you.
Christian Studer   2007-10-28 10:48
This depends on the application. Most applications will open on the monitor they were on the last time, but some open in a default location determined by the operating system.

You could use UltraMon to position the application, to do this right-click the application's shortcut and select Properties from the menu, then select the UltraMon - Window tab and configure the settings as desired. Please note that this may not work with all applications.

Christian Studer -
WoofGrrrr   2008-02-22 06:04

Where is this "UltraMon - Window" setting and dialog you mention???
WoofGrrrr   2008-02-22 06:08
Sorry. I meant "Ultramon - Window Tab".

I click on links on my Desktop and on my Quick Links toolbar and I don't see any such tab!
Christian Studer   2008-02-22 09:45
This is under Properties for an application's shortcut (right-click the shortcut and select Properties from the menu).

Christian Studer -
Nat43   2012-01-15 23:24
I continue to have this issue. Firefox always opens on my second monitor. I would like it to open on my primary monitor.

When I right click on the Firefox shortcut, there is no Ultra-Mon Window tab.

Any suggestions?

Christian Studer   2012-01-16 07:25
The following should fix the issue with Firefox: un-maximize the Firefox window, then move it to the desired monitor and close it there. When you start Firefox the next time, it should then open on that monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> What determines what monitor an application opens on?

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