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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two tool bars on primary monitor
richmark   2007-11-10 09:25

I'm running 3 monitors and on my primary monitor there is the main tool bar at the bottom with icons, clock, etc., and then another tool bar just above it with no icons. On monitor 3 there is no toolbar, and on monitor 2 there is a toolbar. It's as if the extra toolbar on the primary monitor needs to move over to monitor 3.

Runing Windows XP. Can anyone help?

Thank you.
Christian Studer   2007-11-11 05:24
Are you using UltraMon?

Christian Studer -
richmark   2007-11-11 07:47
Yes I am. The problem has now resolved. I'm not sure though how. I kept fiddling around with lock and unlock and hide task bar and a few other clicks and it started to work so I assume it was not an UltraMon problem but a Windows setting perhaps triggered by UltraMon because I didn't have the problem before I reinstalled UltraMon. Any way it's working and it's great software.

Thank you.
Erik   2007-11-26 05:58
Hello there,

I have had exactly the same problem. When I switched from three to two monitors, the taskbar of my third monitor moved to my first monitor, upon my regular windows taskbar.
When I switched back to three monitors, the taskbar of the third monitor remained at its (faulty) position. So I closed it.
To restore to the desireable taskbar configuration I simply right clicked on the ultramon taskbar at the 2nd monitor and chose "add taskbar for > Monitor 3".
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two tool bars on primary monitor

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