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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT for 6 monitor setup
David   2007-11-17 12:48
I have just upgraded by monitor setup, 6 24" dell widescreens, 2 run in landscape and 4 in portrait mode. My existing graphics cards (Geforce 7600 GS and Geforce FX 5200) are straining to cope.

Any views on advisablity of using 3 NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT cards to replace the existing graphics cards? (At some point, after prices fall a lot, may want to replace the 2 wing landscape monitors with 30" dells.)

And is it possible to put 3 NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT cards in one rig (Vista op syst)?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

David DeRolph   2007-11-19 01:21
I don't know for sure but I see no reason why you can't put three cards in your computer, as long as you have the empty slots available. I presume you have one PCI Express slot or one APG slot which would hold one of the cards. The other two would have to be PCI cards. I've had three cards (1-AGP, 2-PCI)in my computer, just as a test, and had no problem.

I don't know whether that graphics chip you want can be found on PCI cards.
David   2007-11-23 11:04
3 cards in one computer/motherboard is not my issue, as it is a Asus P5b deluxe, but my question is what is the workable combination of video cards that provides the ability to do 6 widescreen 24" monitors each running at 1920 x 1200? (And also run high def movies in any of the monitors.)

Vista opsys.

thesmj   2007-12-18 20:40
Check into the Matrox TripleHead2Go product. I know a lot of people from use them and there is a lot of info about them at that site as well.
John   2007-12-19 10:53
Three of the exact same card (same drivers) should keep you out of trouble. Mixing divers causes problems with vista.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT for 6 monitor setup

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