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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Pivot-related question
Bery   2007-11-20 09:16
In a four-monitor setup, is it possible to have 3 out of 4 screens "rotated" (using the pivot feature of the monitor), and having the 4th screen "normal" (standard widescreen)?

Anyone know of a way to do this?

Even knowing how to have 1 rotated and 1 horizontal in a two-screen setup would be helpful.

Thanks :)
Bery   2007-11-20 09:20
I just checked on one system I run, and it looks like ATI/AMD's Catalyst software can do "individual display" rotation settings. Does anyone know if NVidia or Matrox drivers have the same features?
JohnM   2007-11-21 02:31
I've got 2 20.1" widescreen monitors running off an Nvidia card, the nvidia settings have the option of rotating one or both of the displays. Make sure that in the Nvidia contol panel that you use the "Dualview" option otherwise the rotation option won't be visible.

What this gives me is one "Widescreen" display and one "Tallscreen" display. Perfect for viewing datasheets on one screen and simulation suff on the other.
ecarlson   2007-11-21 13:01
Good to hear that ATI includes the rotation ability in their software. I already knew NVidia did, and the higher-end Matrox also do. If you mix the above card brands, you'll probably have issues with using the special utilities from each company that are required to use that company's rotation feature, so try to stick with cards that share the same driver set to avoid that type of issue. If you must mix chipset brands, then you might have to use 3rd party rotation software instead of each company's own software (Pivot Pro = $40).

- Eric,
John   2008-02-20 05:40
Another option is to use IRotate (it's free) from

Support forums:

The upsides to using IRotate vs.PivotPro is that it's free, only uses 4 mb of memory (vs 24 mb with pivotpro), and IRotate doesn't have that big ugly context menu like PivotPro does.

IRotate actually sets the correct vertical screen resolution (ie: from 1920x1200 >> 1200x1920)if you're using a horizontal + vertical monitor. Works great.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Pivot-related question

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