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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GEforce 7300GS and 8600 GT Compatible?
Wayne   2007-11-21 12:05
I have a machine running ASUS P5N32-E SLI mother board, Intel dual core processor, 2 gig RAM, running Vista 64 bit business version.

I am trying to run two video cards (GEforce 7300 GS and GEForce 8600 GT).

Vista can see the 8600 but not the 7300. I have installed and re-installed the ForceWare 64bit software several times.

I have two 22" wide screen monitors on the 8600, and 1 x 22" widescreen and a 42" wide screen plasma off the 7300.

The reason for the 7300 is it has the capability to do full screen video on the plasma. The 8600 is set to host the primary monitor.

Is there anyone that can tell me how I can make this work?

I have previously run a similar system on XP with no problems. Is this a Vista, or a video card issue?

Thanks in advance.
7h0m   2007-11-24 09:36
It's a vista issue. I have the luck of running a 6200 with a 8800gts one on PCI an the other well, on PCI-E. I run 4 monitors (3 lcds + projector) and it works.

I am using vista 32 bit however. Try completely cleaning your video drivers and installing the most recent ones. Also, try disabling Aero to see if the plasma shows up. Keep us updated.
Wayne   2007-11-24 21:51
Thanks for that.

I finally got it working. I took out the 8600 out of the first PCI slot, and put the 7300 in it. I re booted, and Vista found and installed the drivers for the 7300.

I then put the 8600 into the 2nd PCI slot and it worked. It seems that all Vista needed was to see the card by itself so it could distinguish it from the 8600 drivers?

The reason I bought the 7300 in the first place was for the capability of full screen video. However, it seems that Vista can't do full screen. I am beginning to think that Vista sucks.

Thanks again for your reply.
Wayne   2007-11-24 21:53
sorry, I meant PCI E, not PCI as per previous post.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GEforce 7300GS and 8600 GT Compatible?

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