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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Unable to assign screen as primary, options greyed out.
cksubs   2007-11-26 19:49
Hi, I'm having trouble. I'm running XP on a Macbook Pro, which is connected to a 22inch lcd. Both through Ultramon and the Windows Display options, I'm unable to set the 22inch as the primary display. The option is there, but in both cases it is greyed out and unclickable. Only the laptop's screen is selectable. What is wrong here? This is infuriating problem, and I really need a fix. Thanks.
Christian Studer   2007-11-27 10:15
UltraMon and Windows usually can't change the primary monitor on laptops, but the software for the video chipset should have an option for this, or you could use the laptop's function key to switch between the external and internal monitor.

Christian Studer -
cksubs   2007-11-27 10:31
I'm running this through bootcamp and having trouble getting the ATI control center working... think the option's in there? Also, what's this about the function keys?

And why can't Windows/Ultramon change it on laptops? That's ridiculous.
Christian Studer   2007-11-28 10:21
The option should be in the ATI Control Center.

On my Dell I can use Fn+F8 to switch the primary monitor, other laptops may use different keys or may not have this feature.

Most video card drivers designate non-primary monitors as removable on laptops, which prevents the operating system (and thus also UltraMon) from changing the primary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Unable to assign screen as primary, options greyed out.

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