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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot Ignore Default Monitor to use only 2nd Monitor Only
Dee   2007-11-29 10:14
I just downloaded this software. I am trying to ignore my default monitor so all of my icons move over to the secondary monitor only. I do not want to use my default monitor, i have a laptop that i am using my LCD monitor is messed up due to my hubby putting a pen in it and closing the lid. Now I cannot see anything on the bottom of my screen. So I want to disconnect it and use only my HDTV Screen through a s-cable. That all works fine but I cannot move the icons over unless I drag them. Can anyone help

Dee P.
Christian Studer   2007-11-29 10:26
You can do this via the software for the video chipset, usually there's an option to only use the external monitor (TV).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot Ignore Default Monitor to use only 2nd Monitor Only

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