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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help me pick my monitor
Gene   2007-12-01 04:34
I am currently running 3 19" monitors, and I am looking to get a larger center monitor. Can you help choose a monitor that would fit between the two 19" monitors

The two side monitors can be rotated if necessary
I have the three monitors are a stand so I only need to be concerned about the monitor measurements w/o the stand.

I am looking a good price on a monitor for gaming. Any help is appreciated..>>>

the measurements are as follows
the monitor is
13.3125" horizontal x 16.25 vertical
viewing area:
14.8" horizontal x 11.9" vertical; 19.0" diagonal

I would like to go to a wide screen yet maintain uniformity with the viewing area. (or atleast as close as possible.
Gene   2007-12-01 04:37

19.0" diagonal
monitor measures
16.25" horizontal x 13.3125" vertical

viewing area:
14.8" horizontal x 11.9" vertical
ecarlson   2007-12-02 10:53
If you want to maintain uniformity of the viewing area, look for higher res monitor that has the same pixel pitch as your current monitors.

For a regular 19" LCD with a res of 1280x1024, the pixel pitch is 0.294. If you get a 26" wide screen LCD monitor with a res of 1920x1200, the pixel pitch of 0.286 will be very close, and if you then rotate the 19" LCD's to portrait orientation, the vertical resolutions will also be very close (1280:1200).

A 28" wide screen LCD at the same res of 1920x1200 has a dot pitch of 0.309, which is also very close, and would probably work just as well as a 26".

If someone made a 27" LCD at that res, it would probably be an almost perfect match, but I doubt it really makes that much of a difference from the 26" or 28" monitors, which should be fine.

- Eric,
ecarlson   2007-12-02 12:16
If you only want a slightly larger monitor for the middle, then a 22" wide screen with a res of 1680x1050 which a dot pitch of 0.282 should be close enough, and then you would not rotate the 19" LCD's, and the vertical resolutions would still be close: (1024:1050). This is still only slightly more res than what you already have: It's only 400 pixels wider than what you already have, and only an extra 26 pixels high, but it is certainly a lot less expensive than the 26/28" alternative at this time.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Help me pick my monitor

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