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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Determining what monitor the application opens
RichMark   2007-12-08 18:23
I have never ever received an answer to this that explains it. I have 3 monitors. When I click on my browser it always opens on my 3rd monitor. No matter which monitor I close it on it always opens on the 3rd. What determines what monitor an application opens?

Running XP Pro

Thank you.
David DeRolph   2007-12-09 05:04
Normally, application will open on whichever monitor it was last closed on. There are some exceptions, but most applications work this way.
David DeRolph   2007-12-09 05:06
OK, I re-read your post. You did say this happens no matter what monitor you closed the application on. I don't know what might cause that.

What video card(s) do you have? Using UltraMon?
richmark   2007-12-09 10:29
I am using Ultramon and two NVIDIA 8600 cards. I've never been able to figure this out.

The other thing I've never been able to figure out is when I open an app or my browser sometimes it is maximized to the page and other times it's half the page, or with Ultramon running it can be displayed across two monitors. It doesn't matter what condition I close the window either.

Doesn't this happen to everyone?
Crow   2007-12-10 20:33
I'm runnning 3 monitors with 2 videocards and for me it work's like this:

Firefox opens on the monitor it was last closed on in windowed mode. Closing it while being maximized doesn't change anything.
RichMark   2007-12-11 03:16
For me it works like this:

I click on Firefox
It opens on monitor #3
I move it to monitor #2 using Ultramon
I Maximize it
Close it on monitor #2
Click on it it opens back on monitor #3

This happens whether I drag it to monitor #2 or use Ultramon to move it.

I'd like to know what controls it and if it works like this for anyone else.

Crow   2007-12-12 10:53
Yes, it's the same for me.
As I said: Try closing Firefox on monitor 2 while _not_ being maximized. With my setup it reopens on monitor 2 in this case.
richmark   2007-12-13 14:40
That did it. It was maximized on monitor 3, I redcued it in size and dragged it to monitor 2, closed it, and it reopened on monitor 2. I ownder where the setting is for this.

Mike   2007-12-20 03:53
I'm having the same problem but I cannot resolve the issue for me.

Everytime I click on a link within Outlook it ALWAYS opens on my secondary monitor (I have two monitors). No matter what I do it always opens as a new tab in IE 7 on my secondary monitor.

However, if I click IE in my QuickLaunch bar to open a new instance of IE it will open on my primary monitor.

Is there a fix for this behavior?

Mike   2007-12-24 06:14
I have the same issue when I click email client icon in IE7 command bar, client opens in monitor#2 regardless of window size, but when I click email client icon in Quicklaunch, then email client also initially opens in monitor 2, but I have UltraMon configured to move and resize the client window to monitor#1 which it does nicely. Would be interested in solution to how UltraMon might take control of the IE7 command bar email client icon resulting in same action as using quicklaunch. The window "last opened position" does not make a difference when launching from IE7.
Justa Guy   2010-10-10 04:57
Matrox PowerDesk that comes with the driver package can define which the OS default monitor is, independent of what is defined by the UltraMon shortcut settings.

It can't do it conditionally for specific apps, though- it's global.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Determining what monitor the application opens

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