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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Christian - any thoughts on 6 monitors at 1920 x 1200 each?
Ultramon Fan   2007-12-10 17:28
Christian, I have been unable to get an answer from anywhere to a question regarding a workable combination of 3 video cards that provides the ability to do 6 widescreen 24" monitors each running at high 1920 x 1200 resolution, on one computer.

The Nvidia GTS cards dont appear to work for multiple card installs since the SLI cards are designed to use only one monitor per card.

Do you have a cost-effective solution to this?

Christian Studer   2007-12-11 09:51
If the card can do 1920x1200 per monitor I would expect this to work fine, you would need to disable SLI to use two cards for up to 4 monitors.

I'm not aware of any systems with more than 2 x16 PCIe slots though, this would be a problem as most video cards are only available in x16 versions.

One solution would be to get Nvidia Quadro NVS cards, both the quad and dual versions are available in both x16 and x1 PCIe versions, and both seem to support 1920x1200 via DVI.

Christian Studer -
David   2007-12-11 21:22
Christian -

Thank you so much for this help.

So it would appear that 2 Nvidia Quadro NVS 440's could do it.

And could actually support not 6, but 8 monitors under 1920x1200 ?

I am surprised that, given the sharp drops in monitor prices in last year, esp. at Dell, that not more people are trying to set up such systems. In fact, Dell should be offering this as an upscale offering. They could sell a lot of monitors !

Christian Studer   2007-12-12 10:21
That's right, with two 440s you could run up to 8 monitors.

According to the specs the card supports up to 1920x1200 per monitor via DVI, I haven't tested this myself though.

Christian Studer -
David   2007-12-12 14:18
i will give it a try, and if I can pull it off, i will post a photo on the gallery.

Dave   2007-12-13 12:56
With Nvidia's announcement of 3xSLI, I realized there are cards out there with 3 or even 4 x16 slots.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Christian - any thoughts on 6 monitors at 1920 x 1200 each?

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