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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor issue.
Daniel Lundh   2007-12-11 08:15
Ok so ive been using 2 monitors for about a year now, and ultramon aswell for that matter. But just now my secondary monitor just stopped working. I can still see the desktop and all the icons on it but i cant move my mouse over to it. If i try to swap primary/secondary monitors its the same with the other monitor.

Im absolutely clueless about what has happened to them and i dont know how to fix this, any support would be helpful.
Daniel Lundh   2007-12-11 08:22
I might add that i havent updated any drivers nor installed any programs that could interfer with the monitors (Last thing i did before they got messed up was installing CiV II)
Christian Studer   2007-12-11 09:58
Might be an issue with the monitor configuration, you can adjust the configuration via Display Properties > Settings or UltraMon menu > Display Settings.

The monitors need to be arranged the same way as on your desk, otherwise mouse movement won't work correctly.

Christian Studer -
Daniel Lundh   2007-12-11 10:31
Wow that was weird, worked, but i had no idea that was a problem.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor issue.

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