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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> System doenst always boot up on Primary Monitor
Brian   2001-10-14 06:30
I've got Athlon system with an Abit KT7A motherboard, a Geforce2 GTS as my primary card and a Voodoo3 2000 PCI as my secondary card. I've set the BIOS to initialize the video card in the AGP slot when it first boots up, but on some occasions it boots up with the monitor that's using the PCI slot. This only seems to happen when my computer has been turned off for a while (for approximately 24 hours). Any ideas as to what's going on here?
brewman   2001-10-22 04:40
I've got the exact same problem. Same setup too, except for Asus V7100 Twinview as second card.
Mike Lewis   2002-04-19 04:36
I have the same problem too, although it's ongoing and not occasional. I have a Geforce4 Ti4600 and I can't seem to configure it to boot on the DVI monitor as opposed to the VGA one.

Anyone got any ideas i'd be very grateful.

Mike Lewis
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> System doenst always boot up on Primary Monitor

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