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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Different Sound on different Screens
aJskoLD   2007-12-20 23:45

On my PC @ home i got 2 Screens and also 2 Sound exits, One for my Headset (wich is at the front of my casing) and one for my Speakers. (at the back)

Is it possible , with or without, ultramon. To run the sound of application1 wich is on monitor1 on my Headset (Sound-exit 1) and the sound on application2 wich is on screen2 on my speakers (Sound-exit 2)

Greeting ^^
ecarlson   2007-12-21 15:16
Not likely, since all the connections use the same sound card. You might be able to install a second sound card, or use a USB sound card as a second sound card, and set one app to use a different sound card, if one of the apps allows you to select which sound output device to use.

Please let us know if you get something working.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Different Sound on different Screens

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