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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to stop non-windowed app from minimizing?
DB   2007-12-27 20:16

I'm running 2 screens, pretty successfully so far, with 1 exception.

I run an app that doesn't open in a window (OK, it's a game).

It's full screen only, since putting it into windowed mode slows down the PC drastically.

I often leave it for long periods, and use the other screen for other apps that do appear in windows.

However, if I click on one of these windows, the non-windowed app is minimized immediately.

Is there anyway to avoid this? Perhaps some software that can help?

Cythrelo   2007-12-30 10:53
Due to the way DirectX works, there's no way to prevent that. That's something you'll have to bring up with Microsoft. It even happens with their Windows Media Center application, which was very disappointing to me.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to stop non-windowed app from minimizing?

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