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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 taskbar for 3 monitor
ddje   2007-12-27 23:16
My PC is connected to a screen and a HDTV with my Geforce 8500GT. I have a third screen with a nVidia 6150 integrated graphic card.
I use UltraMon to have a taskbar on my third monitor but I have a taskbar on the TV and I don't want it because it resize my Media center windows when I work on an another screen.

Is there any solution to close that taskbar?
Sorry for my english.

A french version if anyone understand:
Mon PC est branché à 3 écrans, sur ma Geforce 8500GT j'ai un écran PC et une télé HD, sur ma carte graphique intégré, j'ai un troisième écran.
J'utilise UltraMon pour avoir une bar de tache sur mes différents écran mais j'aimerai n'avoir cette barre de tache que sur les écran PC et non sur ma télé car cela redimiensionne la fenêtre de Windows Média center quand je travail sur un autre écran.
Y a t'il une solution à mon problème un peu particulier je l'admet.
Merci d'avance.
Jeff   2007-12-28 00:14
Did you try right clicking on that taskbar and selecting Close? This should then prompt you to either close "just this taskbar" or "close smart taskbar". You want to select "just this taskbar" so you close just the taskbar on that monitor.
ddje   2007-12-28 01:16
I have not close option when I do a right clic on the task bar, I have only Position an toolbar and nothing to close.
ddje   2007-12-28 01:21
It's good I had the 3.0.1 version and the option is not in it. I installed 2.7.1 and it's work
Thank you.
Ricky   2008-12-08 14:02
Why can't this work in 3.0.3 BETA?

I want taskbars on two monitors, none on the third. Any window i put on the 3rd monitor, i would like to show up on either 1 or 2 taskbars.

Can i do this?
Christian Studer   2008-12-09 10:59
This will be in the next release, but you can already configure this in the registry, see this thread for details.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 taskbar for 3 monitor

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