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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ian X, please fix your email address
Ian Bruce   2001-10-15 00:43
Would the person mistakenly using my email address please correct his posts. Thanks.

BTW: Oddly enough, I'm using a multi-monitor set up on my Macintosh G4 -- specifically a GeForce2 (preinstalled by Apple), and an ATI Rage Pro (purchased later). I've never had any problems, or conflicts with either one running Quake 1,2, or 3, Unreal, UT, Rune, Castle Wolfenstein MP, Oni, Elite Force, Fly2, Warbirds III, Driver, or any other OpenGL game. And for those games running under OS X, OpenGL rendering is about 20-25% faster.

Obviously, I don't belong here.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ian X, please fix your email address

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