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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Desktop across 3 monitors
DougM   2008-01-04 09:17
I have 3 monitors side by side, middle on a Nvidia 8800 GTX 2 flankers on a Nvidia 8600 GTS, XP pro. I had it set up where my desktop (one image) span across all three monitors as if it were one, I changed desxtop imagages and now I can seem to get it to cross all three again. Even switching back to the one I had didn't work.
Any setting ideas would be appreciated. I think Iv tried everything.

Doug M
Kmyerslp   2008-01-04 14:24
Have you tried reinstalling Ultramon and selecting "one background/image for the whole desktop"?
DougM   2008-01-04 15:07
No But I will and get back to you.

Doug M
DougM   2008-01-04 16:11
That didn't work :(

Doug M
DougM   2008-01-06 01:42
BTW... Why don't I see the option one desktop image across all monitors option? Or where is that setting, I've looked everywhere I think.

Doug M
ecarlson   2008-01-06 14:19
You could do it the old fashioned way: Use an image editor to make an image the exact size of your entire desktop, then select that image in Display Properties, and select "Tile" to get it across all your monitors.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Desktop across 3 monitors

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